Names: Amber Tisue and Frankie Cail
Current Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Meeting Location: Santa Monica, CA.
Wedding Date + Location: TBD

How did you meet?
I guess we really have to first answer this question as, “How did you first lay eyes on each other…” Frankie: We met at one of Amber’s nightly music nights at a little restaurant called Santino’s. She was playing her guitar and singing for about an hour. I immediately fell in love with her, it was a feeling unlike I’ve ever had in my whole life. Something inside of me said, “at some point, you will be with this woman.” Amber: I remember seeing her in the back of the restaurant, she really caught my eye. We were both in relationships at that time, but I distinctly remember the way she was looking at me, it stuck with me. But it wasn’t until a year and a half later that we actually met in person. That night, I was on the fence about going to a club where my roommate from college was the host. Then this little voice inside me said “just show up.” I decided to listen to it. About an hour after I arrived I felt a tap on my shoulder, and it was Frankie. She asked, “Is your name Amber?” and the rest was history.
The proposal – please tell us the stories!

When did you know that your significant other was the one?
Frankie: When Amber and I spent a weekend in Malibu at a music festival that Amber played at, I knew she was the one for me. That weekend was so connecting for us that I knew I could never have anything remotely close to what we had with anyone else. Amber: I think for me, it was about two months after we started dating, she was staying overnight at my place and I was brushing my teeth while she was laying in bed. I quietly watched her without her noticing, and a little voice in my head whispered, “She’s going to be the one.” Deep down I knew at that moment what my intuition was telling me, and I haven’t looked back.
What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

What made you choose your rings?
Frankie: I had an idea of a ring for Amber for about 2 years before I got it made with Sofia. I went in with the image and idea that I found online and Sofia and I sat together a few times discussing how to make the ring unique and one of a kind and the result with the little black diamond around the halo to match the salt and pepper diamond in the middle is exquisite. Amber: I had a design in my mind for literally about the same amount of time as Frankie before heading into Sofia’s, but it wasn’t until I received my ring that I solidified the design I wanted for her. We both desired a unique story to go along with our rings, and when I was choosing the diamond for Frankie, Sofia remembered that she had the other half of the stone to my ring. it was a no-brainer that that other half would belong to Frankie. Two halves of a whole. As it turns out, when Amber began the process of designing Frankie's ring, we let her know that the diamond Frankie chose was part of a pair. When Amber saw the matching diamond, she knew that was the stone she wanted to use for Frankie's piece..!
Do you have any notable stories that have stood out over the years – hilarious, sentimental, anything!
Frankie: After Amber and I first met at Santino’s it wasn’t until a year and a half later that we ran into each other at one of our favorite DJ’s set at Sound Nightclub in Hollywood that we re-connected. We both got home around 6am and I decided to Facebook message her that I would love to take her out for a drink. She made me wait two weeks later to have our first date at The Other Room in Venice. Our first date lasted 7 hours and I never wanted it to end. To this day we are forever our favorite DJ- Lee Burridge’s number 6 couple that has told him that we fell in love at his show. It’s truly so meaningful to us that this whole night happened because of him! Amber: This story still astounds me to this day. We moved to Chicago from LA and drove across the country along Route 66. We stopped at a confluence of two giant rivers and were skipping stones along the water. Before we left, we decided to search along the shoreline to choose a rock to take with us. We both casually chose our own rocks, standing about 20 feet apart from each other on the shoreline. We walked back to our car and I stopped to use the restroom in the parking lot, asking Frankie to hold my stone for me. I grab both stones from her after I’m done so she can use the bathroom next. I look down at the two rocks that are laying perfectly on top of each other, the each half making one whole rock, down to the very crack. I can’t make this stuff up, we both individually had chosen a rock that was somehow split apart and ended of on the opposite ends of each shore, and she had subconsciously put them together like a puzzle. Needless to say we lost it and started crying tears of gratitude.
What are you most excited about for your wedding? Are you going on a honeymoon?
Frankie: I’m most excited about the intimacy of our wedding and getting to spend quality time together and with the ones we love. Absolutely honeymoon! We’re thinking Thailand and Japan.
Do you have any advice for planning a wedding?
Make the wedding about you and what you two want.